The competition is in order to meet the needs of high-quality and skilled talents in the adjustment of industrial structure,Fully demonstrate the achievements of Anhui vocational education reform and development,Strive to create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about and support the development of vocational education,We will further promote the combination of production and education between vocational colleges and industrial enterprises,Better serve for Anhui economic construction and social development。 ...
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Anhui Provincial Department of Education on the issuance of 2015 Anhui Vocational College skills Competition (Higher vocational group) program notice

作者: Release time: 2015-04-03
Higher vocational colleges, related undergraduate institutions:
In order to implement The State Council's "Decision on Accelerating the Development of modern Vocational Education" (Guofa [2014] No. 19), "Anhui Provincial People's Government on Accelerating the development of modern vocational education implementation opinions" (Wanzheng [2014] No. 81) and the national and provincial vocational education work conference spirit,Further deepen the reform of higher vocational education in our province,Strengthen the training of professional skills,We will improve the quality of personnel training,According to the spirit of the Provincial Department of Education and other departments on the issuance of 2015 Anhui Vocational College skills Competition Program Notice,According to the Ministry of Education 2015 National Vocational college skills competition to set up the event and the actual situation of our province,Formulated the "2015 Anhui Vocational College Skills Competition (Higher Vocational Group) Plan"。It is hereby issued to you and informed of the relevant matters as follows。
First, attach great importance to it。Each participating institution shall combine its own professional situation and school-running characteristics,Carefully study the national vocational college skills competition and related requirements,We should give full play to the role of school-level skill competition in the cultivation, selection and motivation of technical skill talents,Efforts should be made to improve the coverage and enthusiasm of teachers and students to participate in school-level skills competitions,Select the representative team that can show the strength and professional construction level of the college to participate in the provincial competition。The host schools of each competition should strengthen their leadership,Set up provincial competition related organizations and institutions,Carefully study the national competition project documents and requirements,Select talented personnel to prepare for the implementation of the provincial competition;All rules and requirements of the competition shall be strictly implemented,Ensure that the competition is fair, just and open,Effectively improve the quality of provincial skills competitions。
2. Careful organization。All colleges and universities should carefully organize the relevant preparatory work for the competition;It is necessary to take the skills competition as an opportunity to strengthen the construction of practical training conditions, promote education and teaching reform, especially pay attention to strengthening students' professional skills training, pay attention to discipline requirements and safety education, standardize the operation of participating teachers and students, and ensure the smooth progress of the competition。During the competition, the participating institutions are required to purchase accident insurance and medical insurance for the players and instructors。
3. Related matters。
1.After the selection of the participating teams by the college, the college as a unit to directly participate in the provincial competition。
2.Notice of competition, related attachments, competition rules and changes of competition conditions will be posted on "Vocational college skills competition provincial information system" column released, please pay attention to it in time。All colleges and universities should make full use of the advantages of the network information platform, strengthen communication, track the dynamics of the competition, and improve the efficiency and management level of the organization of the competition。
3.If you have any questions in the competition, please contact the Higher Education Office of the Provincial Department of Education。Contact: Sun Yu, Zhu Yongguo, Tel: 0551-62831868。 
                                Department of Education of Anhui Province
February 15, 2015
(This is voluntarily disclosed)
 2015 Anhui Vocational College skills Competition
(Higher vocational Group) program
I. Purpose of the competition
Hold provincial vocational college skills competition,It is to implement the document spirit of The State Council and the provincial government on accelerating the development of modern vocational education,To meet the needs of high-quality technical and skilled personnel for industrial transformation, upgrading and structural adjustment,Strive to create a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about and support the development of vocational education,We will further promote the integration of industry and education between vocational colleges and industrial enterprises,We will promote education and teaching reform,Strive to improve the quality of personnel training,Better serve for Anhui economic construction and social development。
Through the competition, the good spirit and skilled vocational skills of teachers and students of vocational colleges are displayed, and the results of the reform and development of vocational education in Anhui are fully displayed。The competition focuses on participation, competition on the same stage and common improvement。
2. Organizers and contractors
The competition is jointly sponsored by the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission, and the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security.The project of the Higher Vocational Group is specifically undertaken by 19 higher vocational colleges such as Wuhu Vocational and Technical College, Anhui Vocational and Technical College, Anhui Industrial and Commercial Vocational College。
3. Organization and leadership
For details, see "Notice on printing and distributing the 2015 Anhui Vocational College Skills Competition Program" (Anhui Teaching Cheng (2015) No. 2)。
Four, the competition time
All student events must be completed by April 26;The specific time of each event is arranged by the host institutions。
5. Object of competition
The participants of the higher vocational students group are registered students of vocational colleges in the province in the spring of 2015 (including higher vocational students of undergraduate colleges);
The participants of the teacher group will be notified separately according to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education Informatization Competition。
6. Competition project
The competition is divided into student group and teacher group。
(1) Specific items
The student group has 41 projects and 53 sub-projects in 16 professional categories, including materials and energy, finance and economics, electronic information, environmental protection, meteorology and safety, transportation, tourism, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, light textile food, biochemistry and medicine, civil construction, culture and education, information technology, medicine and health, language and culture, manufacturing, resource development and mapping。The items set by the higher vocational group of the provincial competition are all the items to be set by the higher vocational group of the 2015 National Vocational College Skills Competition。
The teacher group competition is the teacher information competition. The specific registration time and procedures are required to be announced separately。
Each event organization unit can set the registration quota of each school according to the situation of pre-registration and competition equipment, etc., to ensure the normal progress of the event。Events with less than 3 teams registered will be cancelled。
Student Group Project:
There are 3 competitions: accounting skills, marketing skills and e-commerce skills。
There are 6 competition projects: embedded product development, Internet of Things technology application, information security management and evaluation, computer network application, mobile Internet application software development, cloud computing technology and application。
3. Information technology category
Competition item 1:4G network construction technology。
4. Transportation category
There are 3 competition projects: automobile testing and maintenance (including automatic transmission disassembly and testing, automobile electrical system maintenance, automobile fault diagnosis), automobile marketing, modern logistics operation plan design and implementation。
5. 旅游大类
4 items of the competition: Chinese theme banquet design, cooking (including banquet design and production, Chinese hot dishes, Chinese noodles, Chinese cold dishes), tour guide service (including Mandarin tour guide, English tour guide), Western food banquet service。
6. Large categories of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery
There are 2 competition items: quality and safety testing of agricultural products (including organophosphorus pesticide residue detection in vegetables, veterinary drug residue detection in livestock and poultry meat, heavy metal content detection in tea) and Chinese tea Art。
7. 土建大类
2 projects: Building automation system installation and commissioning, intelligent elevator installation and maintenance。
8. Cultural and educational categories
Event 1: Oral English (including non-English major group and English major group)。
9.Linguistic and cultural categories
Competition item 1: Secretarial quick record。
10. Medical and health categories
2 items: nursing skills, traditional Chinese medicine skills。
11. 制造大类
7 projects: injection mold CAD/CAE and main parts processing, automatic production line installation and commissioning, industrial product modeling design and rapid prototyping, 3D modeling digital design and manufacturing, ship main engine and shafting installation, modern electrical control system installation and commissioning, industrial robot technology application。
twelveResource development and mapping category
There are 2 competition items: surveying and mapping (including second-level surveying, first-level wire surveying, 1:500 digital mapping) and mineral processing technology。
13. Materials and energy categories
Competition item 1: Installation and commissioning of wind-wind complementary power generation system。
14. Environmental protection, meteorology and security categories
Competition item 1: Atmospheric environment monitoring and control technology。
15. Biochemical and pharmaceutical categories
There are 4 competition items: chemical production technology, chemical instrument automation, chemical equipment maintenance, industrial analysis and inspection。
16. Textile food category
1 item: Clothing design and craft (including clothing design and craft)。
Teacher Group Project:
Information-based teaching competition。
(2) Institutions undertaking the project
After comprehensive consideration of the university's characteristics, professional advantages, hosting conditions and experience in participating in or hosting competitions, it is decided that the following colleges will host the events of related projects。
1. Wuhu Vocational and Technical College undertook: embedded product development, installation and commissioning of modern electrical control system, quality and safety testing of agricultural products (including organophosphorus pesticide residue detection in vegetables, veterinary drug residue detection in livestock and poultry meat, heavy metal content detection in tea), information teaching competition。
 2.Anhui Vocational and Technical College: Building automation system installation and commissioning, automatic production line installation and commissioning, chemical production technology, chemical instrument automation, chemical equipment maintenance, industrial analysis and inspection, clothing design and technology (including clothing design, clothing technology)。
3.Anhui Water Resources and Hydropower Vocational Technical College: Surveying and mapping (including second level survey, first level traverse survey, 1:500 digital mapping three sub-items)。
4.Anhui Vocational and Technical College of Commerce: Accounting skills, marketing skills, information security management and evaluation, cloud computing technology and application。
5.Anhui Mechanical and Electrical Vocational Technical College undertakes: automobile inspection and maintenance (including auto automatic transmission disassembly and inspection, automobile electrical system overhaul, automobile fault diagnosis), intelligent elevator installation and maintenance, injection mold CAD/CAE and main parts processing, industrial robot technology application, three-dimensional modeling digital design and manufacturing, solar and solar complementary power generation system installation and commissioning。
 6.Anhui Vocational College of Industry and Commerce: Automobile marketing, Chinese theme banquet design, cooking (banquet design and production, Chinese hot dishes, Chinese noodles, Chinese cold dishes), tour guide service (Mandarin tour guide, English tour guide)。
7.Anqing Vocational and Technical College: Atmospheric environment monitoring and management technology, Chinese tea art。
8. Anhui Vocational and Technical College of Posts and Telecommunications: Computer network application, 4G network construction technology。
9. Anhui International Business Vocational College: Secretarial Records, oral English (including non-English majors, English majors)。
10. Anhui Medical College: Nursing skills。
11. Anhui Vocational and Technical College of Communications: Ship main engine and shafting installation。
12. Anhui National Defense Technology Vocational College: Industrial product modeling design and rapid prototyping。
13. Anhui Finance and Trade Vocational College: E-commerce skills。
14. Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese medicine skills。
15. Hefei Vocational and Technical College: Internet of Things technology application。
16. Anhui Electronic Information Technical College: Mobile Internet application software development。
17. Anhui Industrial Economics Vocational and Technical College: Western banquet service。
18. Anhui Polytechnic: Mineral Processing Technology。
19. Huishang Vocational College: Design and implementation of modern logistics operation scheme。
7. Contest registration
The student group of this competition is divided into pre-registration and official registration。Fill in the pre-entry form (Attachment 1) and submit the electronic version to the email address of the competition contact person of each host institution before March 12 (for detailed contact information, see Anhui Higher Education Network "Vocational College Skills Competition Provincial information System")。The official registration time is from March 18 to 22, please log in Anhui higher Education network "Vocational college skills Competition provincial information system" to fill in。During the online registration, the registration information is allowed to change;No changes are allowed after the deadline。Participants should bring their student ID card, ID card and registration form (Annex 2) for inspection by the event organizer。Each host institution shall timely publish the competition registration, competition requirements, competition guidelines and other relevant information on the home page of the college website。
Each participating school shall appoint a person in charge to be the team leader of the competition, responsible for the organization, coordination and leadership of the competition affairs。
Viii. Competition Rules
The competition regulations and relevant regulations of the event shall be organized and written by the host university, and at least two-thirds of the members of the writing team shall be experts from other universities。Competition rules and other events should pay close attention to the relevant situation of the national vocational college skills competition, and as far as possible, the requirements of the national vocational college skills competition are included in the provincial competition。All host colleges and universities are kindly requested to submit the competition regulations in official documents to Room 906, Higher Education Office of Provincial Education Department, and electronic documents to ahgzjy@ahedu before March。
The teacher group competition rules are formulated according to the requirements of the 2015 National Vocational College Informatization Competition of the Ministry of Education, and published on the Anhui Higher Education Network。
9. Related expenses
There is no entry fee or registration fee。Accommodation during the competition will be arranged at your own expense。
10. Reward methods
According to the "2015 Anhui Vocational College Skills Competition Program" award method。 
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