Gathering youth power to build a strong security defense line Our hospital launched a series of publicity activities on "4·15" National Security Education Day

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2023-04-17Number of views:422

homenet(Security Department correspondent Wei Yan) this yearApril 15 is China's eighth National Security Education Day。In recent days, closely related to the theme of National Security Day, the college has carried out a series of various forms of publicity and education activities to comprehensively enhance teachers and students' awareness and literacy of national security。

 The co-governance of the government and the school was fully launched。A few days ago, the new station high-tech zoneThe launching ceremony of the "April 15" National Security Education Day was held in our hospital, with more than 800 teachers and students participating in the activity。Through the reading of the proposal, the broadcasting of national security education videos, the theme photo exhibition and other activities, teachers and students deeply realized that the peaceful environment is not easy。Colleges and universities as an important position to safeguard national security, young students as an important force to safeguard national security, should always tighten the string of national security, fulfill the responsibility and obligation to safeguard national security, and build a Great Wall of steel to defend national security。 

Hospital department linkage, set off a publicity boom。The Security Department and the College of Civil Engineering jointly carried out National Security Day publicity and education activities to further cultivate teachers and students' national security awareness。"A photo, a comment on the Internet, an inconspicuous data line, etc., seemingly ordinary things are tied to every inch of the country's security.。The teachers of the Security Department focus on "implementing the overall national security concept.,We will raise public awareness of and literacy in national security,The theme of the event is "Consolidating the social foundation for a New security pattern to ensure a new development pattern.,Teach national security knowledge to the teachers and students participating in the activity,"You should be more vigilant,More than one security,One more happiness at home.",We are deeply aware that the foundation of national security lies in the people and their power lies in the people,National security is all for the people,Rely on the people for everything。Teachers and students have solemnly signed their names on the signature wall to vote for the heart to contribute to the maintenance of national security。The event distributed more than 4,000 leaflets, more than 1,500 pieces of all kinds of publicity materials, the scene atmosphere is very warm。

Multi-pronged approach to achieve comprehensive coverage。On the occasion of the eighth National National Security Education Day, the secondary colleges actively planned and organized various forms of publicity and education activities, using a variety of learning platforms"Online + offline" approach, organize students to watch national security theme open classes, participate in the national National Security Education Day online video number topic interaction, carried outAnti-cult warning education into the campusAnd other activities。besides,The secondary colleges have also organized class meetings on National Security Day,Learn laws and regulations such as the National Security Law and the National Defense Law through various forms such as case briefing and thematic discussion,We will deepen education on security and the rule of law,We will promote the overall concept of national security to take root among the people,Guide college students to act as the new era,Jointly build national security defense。

Integrate micro-lessons to improve the quality and effectiveness of publicity。The college integrated the National Security Day publicity and education"Internet +" college students safety education course, make full use of safety微伴Teaching resourcesEnrich the teaching medium, learn through micro-lessons on national security topics,Help classmatesBetter understand national security and practice the concept of national security in daily life。"I always felt that the topic of safeguarding national security was far away from us, but recently I learned through the propaganda activities of the college that the original mobile phone leaks that endanger national security are happening around us at any time.。As contemporary college students, we should be vigilant, earnestly study legal knowledge, and contribute our share to safeguarding national security。Ye, a student of the School of Culture and Tourism, said with emotion。

A series of publicity and education activities have brought the overall concept of national security into the campus, so that teachers, students and staff fully realize that everyone has the responsibility to safeguard national security and everyone has success。In the next step, the College will continue to strengthen the publicity of the rule of law on campus, comprehensively enhance the awareness of the rule of law among teachers and students, and provide a strong security guarantee for the college to create a high-level vocational and technical university。